Master Programme in Chemistry

Academics > Master Programme in Chemistry


Profile Of Our Master Program

The Master of Chemical Science Program at FMIPA UI provides two study paths, namely the Regular Path and the Research Path. In the Regular Track, students are required to take a number of compulsory and elective courses before proceeding to research for the thesis. Meanwhile, the Research Track allows students to focus on research from the first semester with the support of structured courses to support their research.

The Master of Chemical Science Study Program also offers four areas of specialization, namely Biological Chemistry which includes the study of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Non-Life Chemistry which includes Physical, Inorganic, and Analytical Chemistry, Industrial Biotechnology which explores Biochemistry and Biotechnology, and Environmental Toxicology which focuses on handling environmental problems.

The length of study for this program is four semesters with a total study load of 54 credits. Graduates are expected to have the ability to develop innovative chemical science and technology, solve cross-disciplinary problems independently, and produce research that is recognized both at the national and international levels. In addition, this program is also designed to prepare graduates to become educators, researchers, industrial practitioners, or continue to the doctoral level.

With international accreditation from The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), the Master of Chemical Science Study Program provides a guarantee of globally recognized educational quality, encourages academic collaboration, and expands the career opportunities of its graduates.


Vision Of Chemistry Master Program

As a center for education and study of chemistry and its applications and able to play a role at the international level.


Mission Of Chemistry Master Program

  • Carrying out tridarma activities to produce Chemical Science master graduates who are oriented towards the fields of energy, environment, and health and are able to compete globally, as well as being virtuous and highly ethical.
  • Develop an academic atmosphere and research culture for the advancement of Chemistry to produce innovations and solutions to support sustainable development goals.
  • Contribute and play an active role in the development of Chemistry and its innovations.


Educational Objectives Of Chemistry Master Program

  • Organizing a quality master of chemical science education program and gradually occupying a superior position at the regional and international levels.
  • Producing master of chemistry graduates with competence in chemistry and its applications, who are competitive at the national and international levels.
  • Develop a superior chemistry master’s program (center of excellence in chemistry), which can play an active role in efforts to improve services to the community.


Chemistry Master Program Strategy

  • Design and revise the curriculum to keep up with the times and to respond to challenges and solve problems in society.
  • Provide international standard research teaching and learning facilities.
  • Maintain the quality of the chemistry master study program through internal and external quality assurance, such as international accreditation.
  • Developing the competence of lecturers and staff in carrying out the tridharma of higher education.
  • Developing national and international networks in the implementation of tridharma.
  • Improve the quality of student input and outcomes of chemistry graduates.
  • Improve the academic atmosphere so that students are able to explore their abilities.


Graduate Profile Of Chemistry Master Study Program

Graduate Profile Master of Chemical Science FMIPA UI is a chemistry master who can play a role as a teacher / educator / researcher in government / private / consultant / industrial practitioner institutions and graduates who are ready to continue to relevant doctoral programs, both at home and abroad.

Graduate Learning Outcomes and Curriculum

  1. Able to develop chemical knowledge and / or technology in the form of chemical models / phenomena / systems in the specialty fields of Biological Chemistry, Non-Biological Chemistry, Industrial Biotechnology, or Environmental Toxicology through research, to produce innovative and tested work by paying attention to ethics and norms.
    • Able to correlate knowledge and understanding of chemistry in the form of chemical models / phenomena / systems in the specialty fields of Biological Chemistry, Non-Biological Chemistry, Industrial Biotechnology, or Environmental Toxicology.
    • Able to correlate the structure of chemical compounds with reactivity and certain physical properties based on thermodynamic, kinetic and molecular principles.
    • Able to construct ideas generated from various theories, references, and phenomena of chemistry and other relevant fields that can be scientifically accounted for by paying attention to ethics and norms.
  2. Able to solve problems of science and or technology, in the field of chemistry through an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach and support the development of professionalism independently and lifelong learning.
    • Able to utilize information communication technology
    • Able to analyze problems of science and or technology, in the field of chemistry through an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach critically and responsibly.
    • Able to argue literacy studies related to chemical problem solving.
  3. Able to develop research in the field of chemistry that is beneficial to society and science in the fields of energy, health, food safety and the environment, and is able to gain national and international recognition.
    • Able to select appropriate chemical synthesis, analysis, and modeling methods to be used in research activities.
    • Able to design chemical processes and chemical compounds with certain structure, reactivity, and chemical and physical properties based on thermodynamic, kinetic, and molecular principles.
    • Able to design biochemical processes based on biological phenomena that include structure, function, metabolism, and genetic informatics concepts.
    • Able to evaluate chemical research data obtained with chemical instrumentation and software to draw conclusions.
    • Able to interpret findings in chemical science literature for problem solving in chemical research related to energy, environment, food safety and health.
    • Able to disseminate research results clearly and effectively both orally and in writing (in Indonesian and English) in national and international scientific forums.
NoDescription of KKNIFormulation of SLOs
1Able to develop knowledge, technology, and/or art in their scientific field or professional practice through research, to produce innovative and tested work.Able to develop chemical knowledge and / or technology in the form of chemical models / phenomena / systems in the specialty fields of Biological Chemistry, Non-Biological Chemistry, Industrial Biotechnology, or Environmental Toxicology through research, to produce innovative and tested work by paying attention to ethics and norms.
2Able to solve problems of science, technology, and/or art in their scientific field through an inter or multidisciplinary approach.Able to solve problems of science and or technology, in the field of chemistry through an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach and support the development of professionalism independently and lifelong learning.
3Able to manage research and development that is beneficial to society and science, and able to gain national and international recognition.Able to develop research in the field of chemistry that is beneficial to society and science in the fields of energy, health, food safety and the environment, and is able to gain national and international recognition.

A course flow chart that shows the flow and continuity between one course and another. Although there are course flows, not all of these flows are prerequisites for taking courses.

Master of Science in Chemistry Course Pathway
Master of Chemical Sciences Research Track Courses

The courses in the 2024 curriculum consist of compulsory and elective courses with details per semester as follows:

For more information, you can download a PDF of the Master of Chemical Sciences Curriculum.