Undergraduate Programme in Chemistry

Academics > Undergraduate Programme in Chemistry


Profile Of Our Undergraduate Program

Undergraduate program (S1) in chemistry at department of chemistry, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia is strived to produce human resources who have the skills, qualifications and responsibilities as professionals, scientists, scholars in the field of chemistry and its applications. To achieve these goals, department of chemistry, UI have provided a set of undergraduate program curriculum totaling of 144 credit hours (SKS), both nationally and internationally renowned academic staff, as well as modern supporting facilities such as laboratory and chemical instrumentations to produce competent human resources in the field of high quality chemistry.

Undergraduate Program (S1) Department of Chemistry FMIPA UI has been accredited A (triple stars) from National Accreditation Board (BAN-PT) since 2005 (SK No. 08858 / Ak-X-S1-008 / UIXKHM / VII / 2006 and Decree No. 2350 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / S / X / 2016) and holds the Standard Asean University Network (AUN) accreditation with ratting value of 5 (Better Than Adequate) since 2014. In 2018, Undergraduate Program in Chemistry Department FMIPA UI has been accredited from The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) for partially satisfying the academic requirements applies between 2018-2023. Undergraduate Program Department of Chemistry FMIPA UI has also received accreditation with “UNGGUL” predicate from BAN-PT.


Vision Of Chemistry Undergraduate Program

To become a center of excellence in chemical education and research that is able to contribute significantly to the development of science and technology at the national and international levels.


Mission Of Chemistry Undergraduate Program

  • Produce graduates who can compete at the national and international levels and are able to adapt to changes and developments in science and technology.
  • Developing a quality and innovative institution that is able to play a role in the advancement of chemistry and its applications in accordance with the tridarma of higher education. and
  • To build a center for education and research in chemistry, capable of contributing to sustainable development.


Educational Objective Of The Undergraduate Program Of Chemistry

  • Organizing quality education and research programs and gradually occupying a superior position at the national and international levels.
  • Producing graduates with competence in chemistry and its applications, who are competitive at the national and international levels. and
  • Produce quality final project research in the field of chemistry and its applications.


Chemistry Undergraduate Program Strategy

  • Education Quality Improvement: Focus on improving the quality of chemistry education by providing a relevant and up-to-date curriculum, supported by modern laboratory facilities and state-of-the-art research equipment. Using the latest technology and teaching materials to enhance the quality and learning experience. Ensuring that teaching staff are highly qualified and continuously improving their skills through training and professional development. Development of innovations in learning such as the implementation of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) curriculum. Conducting continuous evaluation of the education process and implementing necessary improvements to the evaluation results.
  • Research Strengthening: Support and encourage innovative and high-quality chemical research through multidisciplinary collaborations, both with academic institutions and industry. Build a strong network of cooperation with national and international research institutions for the exchange of knowledge and technology.
  • Partnership with Industry: Develop strategic partnerships with industry to transfer research-derived technologies into industrial practice. Collaborate with chemical companies to offer internship programs, training, and joint projects that can provide practical experience to students. Equipping students with soft skills and hard skills as preparation for transition to the world of work.
  • Promotion and Dissemination of Research Results: Adopt effective strategies to promote and disseminate significant research results through scientific publications, conferences, seminars, and social media. Build a strong reputation as a center of excellence in contributing to the development of chemical science and technology.


Profile Of Chemistry Undergraduate Program Graduates

The profile of graduates of the Bachelor of Chemistry from FMIPA UI shows abilities and qualifications that allow them to take on diverse roles in various fields. Here are some of the job prospects that graduates can take:

  • Chemical Industry: Graduates can work in a variety of chemical industries, including chemical manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, cosmetics and food. They can be involved in research, product development, production, and quality control.
  • Research and Development: Graduates can work in research and development institutions in both the public and private sectors. They can be involved in fundamental and applied research in various fields of chemistry.
  • Environment and Conservation: Graduates can work in environmental fields, such as waste management, natural resource conservation and pollution mitigation. They can be involved in the development of green technologies and environmental policies.
  • Energy and Petrochemicals: Graduates can work in the energy and petrochemical sector, involved in oil and gas drilling, fossil fuel processing and renewable energy development.
  • Education and Training: Graduates can also choose a career in education, becoming lecturers or teachers in universities or professional training institutions to educate and train the next generation.
  • Health and Pharmacy: Chemistry graduates can also work in the pharmaceutical industry, either in the development of new drugs, quality control of pharmaceutical products, or research related to drugs and diseases.
  • Technical Consulting and Services: Graduates can work as consultants or technical experts in various industries, providing advice and solutions in terms of product development, quality monitoring, and regulatory compliance.

As such, the profile of UI’s Bachelor of Chemistry graduates offers flexibility and opportunities to thrive in a variety of sectors, depending on their individual interests, skills and aspirations.

Graduate Learning Outcomes and Curriculum

  1. Able to apply the 9 UI cultural values of Honesty, Justice, Trustworthiness, Dignity, Responsibility and Accountability, Togetherness, Openness, Academic Freedom, and Compliance with rules.
  2. Able to analyze the basic principles of mathematics, physics, biology and statistics in solving problems in the field of chemistry.
  3. Able to connect the concepts of chemistry (in 5 sub-disciplines of chemistry namely analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry) systematically and thoroughly in problem solving.
  4. Able to design experiments according to good laboratory practices accurately for the preparation, purification and analysis of a substance as well as the use of appropriate instrumentation.
  5. Able to analyze problems based on information and data in the fields of energy, health and environment qualitatively and quantitatively.
  6. Able to interpret measurement results from chemical instruments and software for the determination of a chemical compound, both qualitative and quantitative.
  7. Able to propose solutions to various simple problems in the fields of energy, health, and the environment based on their scientific background.
  8. Able to defend ideas, findings, and the impact of a chemical process to anticipate social, economic, energy, health and environmental problems.
  9. Able to develop an attitude of professionalism and have a willingness to learn throughout life in the field of chemistry.
  10. Able to formulate chemical knowledge with entrepreneurship to create a variety of entrepreneurial endeavors.
NoDescription of KKNIFormulation of SLOs
1Able to apply their field of expertise by utilizing science, technology and / or art in problem solving and being able to adapt to the situation at hand.1. Able to propose solutions to various simple problems in the fields of energy, health, and the environment based on their scientific background.

2. Able to defend ideas, findings, and the impact of a chemical process to anticipate social, economic, energy, health and environmental problems.

3. Able to formulate chemical knowledge with entrepreneurship to create a variety of entrepreneurial endeavors
2Mastering the theoretical concepts of certain fields of knowledge in general and the theoretical concepts of special parts in the field of knowledge in depth, and able to formulate procedural problem solving.1. Able to design experiments according to good laboratory practices accurately for the preparation, purification and analysis of a substance as well as the use of appropriate instrumentation.

2. Able to analyze the basic principles of mathematics, physics, biology and statistics in solving problems in the field of chemistry.

3. Able to connect the concepts of chemistry (in 5 sub-disciplines of chemistry namely analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry) systematically and thoroughly in problem solving.
3Able to make decisions appropriately based on information and data analysis and able to provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions independently and in groups.1. Able to analyze problems based on information and data in the fields of energy, health and environment qualitatively and quantitatively.

2. Able to interpret measurement results from chemical instruments and software for the determination of a chemical compound, both qualitative and quantitative.
4Responsible for own work and can be given responsibility for the achievement of organizational work results.1. Able to apply the 9 UI cultural values of Honesty, Justice, Trustworthiness, Dignity, Responsibility and Accountability, Togetherness, Openness, Academic Freedom, and Compliance with rules.

2. Able to develop an attitude of professionalism and have a willingness to learn throughout life in the field of chemistry.

The flow and continuity between one course and another needs to be shown in the course flow chart. For evaluation needs at the curriculum level, when mapping learning achievements to courses, it can be determined which courses are only given prior knowledge, only given learning experience, and which courses are given learning experience and monitored for assessment achievements at the curriculum level.

For more information, you can download a PDF of the Undergraduate Curriculum.